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Pretty Hard Cases

Why: I had been waiting what seemed like forever to get access to Season 3 of this Canadian gem. Season 2 dropped in the States in April 2022 and Season 3 began airing on CBC in January 2023. See what I mean? WAITING. FOREVER. FOR-EV-ER! Once I had Sam & Kelly (aka: Skelly) back in my life, I couldn’t wait to tear through the episodes but had to pace myself, a little bit anyway, because I knew this was the last season of the show. ::cue sobbing:: The comedy is fantastic; it doesn’t take itself too seriously, embracing both comedy and wit. And each season’s case always has great twists and intrigue, but my absolute favorite thing about this show is the relationships. They are deep, caring, and imperfect. They give me fuzzy feelings in my cold, black heart (especially Skelly) and I will desperately miss the opportunity for more stories involving these characters. Guess that means it’s time for a rewatch!

When/Where: All episodes are available on Amazon Freevee (US); CBC Gem (Canada).


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